Magufuli Road 296, Box 4686-Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
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We Help People In Need Around The East Africa

We welcome all stakeholders to be a part of helping our communities.

Hosea, Pastory

We focus on empowering vulnerable children, youth and women through providing children, especially girls, with education access and support.

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What we do

Children Education
Education For African Children

We strive to empower and enhance the quality of life for children who live in rural areas in Tanzania especially in disadvantaged communities with special focus on girls by providing access to education and children rights to reduce their vulnerability by establishing a safe and supportive environment so that the children can achieve their full potential and become the leaders of tomorrow We educate the community on the importance of education in particular education for girls to increase student’s enrollment and change societal stereotypes and gender norms such as female genital mutilation, early and forced marriage and gender-based violence which create barrier to educational access and participation for girls.

$3,000 Goal

$300 Raised

Women empowerment
Women empowerment

"We develop programmes that enhances women empowerment and rights in the communities through addressing the negative cultural attitudes and practices against girls and young women such as female genital mutilation, gender-based violence, exploitation and discrimination and create enabling environment for equal participation of women in all economic activities. We believe economic empowerment is a critical lever for change in women’s lives, helping them to gain financial independence and improve their future prospects for participation in community development. We assist women from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate and benefit from viable informal and formal livelihood activities through Supporting the formation and operation of self-help savings and lending schemes by women."

$10,000 Goal

$1,000 Raised

Water project
Water project

The water crisis in rural villages of Tanzania impacts all people, but mostly women and young girls who bear the heaviest weight of its effects. The average distance that women in Tanzania villages walk to collect water is 3.7 miles. During this long walk, girls are more vulnerable to being physically attacked or sexually assaulted. Children have their futures stolen from them when they can’t attend school or are too exhausted to focus on class after long, dangerous walks for water. When children aren’t granted access to the safe water they deserve, their hopes and means for a brighter future are lost. Young girls are less likely to continue their education when they lack the safe sanitation infrastructure to practice proper menstrual hygiene management. When communities are empowered through safe water, women and children especially girls they have more time and equal opportunity to rise to their fullest potential.

$10,000 Goal

$1,000 Raised

What We Do

Entrepreneurship and employability skills to youth

vocational education

Training starts in which youth go through three months of training in their learning groups with the sessions mainly focused on technical and soft skills. .

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Prior to beginning of the training, a needs assessment and a labour markets analysis is carried out to identify the local market opportunities and determine the profitable sectors

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employability skills to youth

The trainees start saving consistently during their training period; putting aside income generated after selling their products or offering their services which help to build their business.

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Team Members

Let's Meet With Our Ordinary Soldiers

Hosea Pastory






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